Allgemeines Syndikat Göttingen
Obere-Masch-Straße 10
37073 Göttingen
Mail: faugoe-kontakt[at]
Phone: (+49) 0177 58 51 227
If the phone is turned off, leave a voicemail or send a voice message via messenger with a few keywords about your request – we will get back to you promptly!
Regular appointments:
Union counseling every last Monday of the month at 7pm at FAU Lokal (Obere-Masch-Straße 10, 37073 Göttingen). On demand also via email or telephone. If the union counseling should take place in another language than German, please mention this in the request. Like this, we can prepare and see if external translators are needed.
Open Telegram channel
Here you will find news from us: events and dates, tips on labor law and resistance on the job, info on ongoing labor struggles and last but not least leisure activities like the popular Black-Red Hikes.
It is a pure info channel, which means there will be no discussions or anything like that. You will get a message maximum once a week, nothing more. The channel is only in german language for now.
Link to join:
Or scan the QR code:

Social Media:
Twitter: @FAUGöttingen
Press contact:
On request
Banking information:
Account owner: Allgemeines Syndikat Göttingen
IBAN: DE10 7601 0085 0153 3448 52
Provider designation according to § 5 TMG und § 55 RStV:
Responsible for content:
Allgemeines Syndikat Göttingen
Obere-Masch-Straße 10
37073 Göttingen
Telephone: (+49) 0177 58 51 227